Unique Commissioned Pet Photography from Vero Beach, FL to Los Angeles, CA
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Scroll Down! Learn More About Your Photographer, Michael Jackson
Hi! I'm Michael
I'm a full-time Professional Pet Photographer and Explorer of Ideas.
As far as photography, I love to tell Stories in Single Images. Pets are great for storytelling. I love shooting indoors, outdoors, in the wild, on the beach, in the Studio, or anywhere else with Pets.
My Full-Time endeavor right now and for the foreseeable future is Pet Photography. It's kind of a tribute to my best friend and Border Collie, Cooper. He died and I hadn't taken any real meaningful pictures of him.
I used to live in Los Angeles and I loved shooting events. Shooting Events is an art and a skill developed over years of shooting. IT IS NOT POINT AND SHOOT. One has to always be looking for the next shot so you can be in two places at the same time. Events helped me hone my other photography skills.
I also love to shoot food! I've shot a lot of food and I have eaten a lot of GREAT FOOD at some pretty awesome events and restaurants. Let's meet somewhere with excellent food and talk about Pet Portraits for you.
I used to play a lot of music. Clarinet, sax, flute. Some keyboards. I picked up keyboards so I could play in Rock bands when I wasn't doing my classical clarinet or jazz sax. Sometimes people call me one of those "Creative Types" that thinks outside the box. What box?
I've Owned Businesses
I've owned a software company, written music, published short stories, had my photos in various magazines and newspapers, been in professional bands, done a lot of photography, and I've been a consultant for the Big 8, the Big 6, now they're down to the Big 3 firms.
Never ask me how to do something the way that everyone else does it. If they're doing it that way and not doing it better than everyone else, why would I want to do it that way?
Here's what I believe about everything...
"If you're not happy with your job or life, then you have to change. It's really that simple."